Pricing Transparency

Arkansas Continued Care Hospital is committed to pricing transparency for our patients and helping patients and their families to make informed healthcare decisions prior to their visit. We understand that pricing and billing for healthcare services can be confusing, so we are making our standard price lists, which include all payor negotiated rates, available to consumers so they can better anticipate and understand their financial responsibilities. Please note that Arkansas Continued Care Hospital only provides inpatient services.

The hospital’s billed prices are the same for all patients, regardless of insured status or type of insurance. However, a patient’s responsibility may vary depending on financial assistance as well as discounts negotiated with individual health insurers. The price lists also DO NOT include physician’s fees from your surgeon, attending physician, anesthesiologist, radiologist or other professional services. These offices will bill you separately for services and should be able to give you pricing information if you contact them directly.  In addition, this price list only includes services provided at Arkansas Continued Care Hospital.  Any pricing for services provided by a different hospital where the patient may receive care during the LTACH stay can be obtained directly from that specific hospital. Finally, your final charges may vary from the average prices presented in the files, based on the actual services provided, pharmacy and supply items, or pre-existing health conditions that may affect services provided.

Download Machine Readable File of all Items & Services

By clicking to download this price list, you are agreeing to the following statement:

I understand that this price list is updated at least annually on the website, but that changes may occur in the meantime which are not reflected in this list.  I understand that a single line item charge may not represent a complete service and other line items may be billed in conjunction with any service.  This file may contain outpatient CPT codes for reference, but Arkansas Continued Care Hospital is an inpatient only hospital and its services are billed as such.  I understand that this list includes hospital fees only and professional services will be billed separately.  I understand that my final bill for services rendered may vary based on actual services provided, health conditions and the specific co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance and patient responsibility associated with my insurance coverage.  I understand that the file contains other specific disclaimers and explanations in the “notes” section at the bottom of the file.

Pricing updated – October 2023

Agree to Statement and Download the Machine Readable File of all Items & Services

Download Shoppable Services File

By clicking to download this Shoppable Services File, you are agreeing to the following statement:

I understand that this file may contain outpatient CPT codes for reference, but Arkansas Continued Care Hospital is an inpatient only hospital and its services are billed as such.  I understand that total charges were averaged per DRG code and this could vary based on different services, supplies and pharmaceuticals provided during the stay as well as length of stay.   I understand that this list includes hospital fees only, not professional fees. I understand that my final bill for services rendered may vary based on actual services provided, health conditions and the specific co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance and patient responsibility associated with my insurance coverage.  I understand that the file contains other specific disclaimers and explanations in the “notes” section at the bottom of the file.

Pricing updated – October 2023

Agree and Download the Shoppable Services File